VUnited Scholars



VUSC 0001: Internship Preparation Bootcamp

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
An experience designed to prepare first year students with professional skills and expectations for their transition into their initial internship placement.

VUSC 0003: Internship Reflection, Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
Students will engage in weekly evaluation of internship placement in relation to the intersection of their talents and abilities and the needs of the world.

VUSC 0005: Internship

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
Students will gain supervised, practical learning experience in a work setting designed to provide opportunites to apply, connect and extend their academic course work and competencies to building professional skills. Students may complete 80 - 180 clock hours in internship.

VUSC 0007: Internship Reflection, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Students will engage in weekly evaluation of internship placement in relation to the intersection of their talents and abilities and the needs of the world.

VUSC 0008: Fitness and Health

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Using a hands-on approach, this course provides information necessary for the development of healthy exercise and physical activity programs, and teaches individuals to assess their personal status and activity needs. It also focuses on concepts of effective goal setting, enabling each individual to determine realistic goals for self-improvement and the use of physical activity for health-promotion throughout a lifetime. 

VUSC 0009: Introduction to Nutrition and Wellnes, Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This class will help you figure out how to incorporate nutrition and fitness into a hectic college lifestyle and to continue this healthy lifestyle for your entire life. Topics will include, but are not limited to: improving dietary habits, plant-based diets, sports nutrition, dietary intolerances and food allergies, as well as the importance of weight maintenance, health, wellness and fitness

VUSC 0010: Cooking and Nutrition, Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This class will help you learn how to incorporate nutrition into a hectic college lifestyle. Reci[pes for nutrition meals and cooking classes will be held each class. By the end of the semester, a cookbook with nutritional meals will be created. The importance of weight maintenance, health, wellness and food selection, as well as dietary habits, plant-based diets, sports nutrition, dietary intolerances and food allergies will be discussed.

VUSC 0011: Independent Living Skills, Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Independent Living Skills is designed to give students exposure and practice in a variety of skills to assist with becoming more independent adults while living on their own. Within this course, students will focus on a variety of independent living skills such as finding a place to live, budgets, leasing agreements, roommates, safety, and the items/amenities needed for independent living. This course will be taught through the framework and lens of an Occupational Therapist, focusing on the whole person and accommodations or adjustments needed to successfully live on their own.

VUSC 0012: Entreprenuership Workshop, Part I

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Throughout this course we will discuss the ins and outs of developing a successful entrepreneurial venture. In doing so, students will engage in the process of creating and sustaining an entrepreneurship that solves a larger social issue.

VUSC 0013: Internship Reflection, Part 3

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Preparation for interviews and skills building techniques for resumes and job sites. Students will run through practice interviews and resume building exercises to take their internship experience to finding a career upon graduation. Skills building activities will take place to learn invaluable assets for their workplace environment.

VUSC 0014: Introduction to Nurtrition and Wellness, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This class will continue to help you figure out how to incorporate nutrition and fitness into a hectic college lifestyle and to continue this healthy lifestyle for your entire life. Topics will include, but are not limited to: improving dietary habits, plant-based diets, sports nutrition, dietary intolerances and food allergies, as well as the importance of weight maintenance, health, wellness and fitness

VUSC 0015: Internship Reflection, Part 4

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Transition from internship to full-time career placement. Students will research and apply for employment in their chosen field within their hometown as well as prepare for the differences between being an intern and a full-time employee.

VUSC 0020: Cooking and Nutrition, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This class will teach more advanced cooking preparation. Students will be taught how to make complete meals and how to prepare meals for the week. Students will also get to explore other cuisines from around the work.  Plant-based cooking and allergy free meals will also be covered during the course. This class will help you figure out how to incorporate nutritious and quick meals in a busy lifestyle and to continue for your entire life. Topics will include, but are not limited to: improving dietary habits, plant-based diets, sports nutrition, dietary intolerances and food allergies, as well as the importance of weight maintenance, health, wellness and fitness. 

VUSC 0021: Independent Living Skills, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Independent Living Skills is designed to give students exposure and practice in a variety of skills to assist with becoming more independent adults while living on their own. Within this course, students will focus on a variety of independent living skills such as finding a place to live, budgets, leasing agreements, roommates, safety, and the items/amenities needed for independent living. This course will be taught through the framework and lens of an Occupational Therapist, focusing on the whole person and accommodations or adjustments needed to successfully live on their own.

VUSC 0022: Entrepreneurship Workshop, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

In a continuation of Part 1, Entrepreneurship Part 2 will continue the conversation on the ins and outs of developing a successful entrepreneurial venture. Students will create and sustain an entrepreneurship that solves a larger social issue

VUSC 0100: Adjusting to College Life and Personal Strengths

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
Students will work with one another to build cohort relationships while learning skills to navigate the newness of college life. Students will uncover their personal strengths and areas of opportunity through leadership assessments and learn how to adapt them to self-leadership.  A handful of leadership theories will be introduced. 

VUSC 0101 : Theology Part 1, Relating to God

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
By paying attention to how the awareness of God is passed from one generation to the next, this course will use experiences from biblical, historical and actual life to understand what friendship with God and neighbor "says" about the faith of Christians.

VUSC 0102: Foundations of Literacy and Writing, Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
The course is designed for students to learn the underlying basis of written English to develop literacy abilities. Students will become aware of themselves as learners, readers, writers, and critical thinkers.

VUSC 0103: Personal Finance

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
Students will learn how to plan their personal finances and plan for financial and career success. Course will include personal money management.

VUSC 0104: Computers and Computer Safety

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course will be broken into three main units: Word Processing, Spreadsheets, & Presentations
• Word/Word Processing – explore basic and advanced formatting, guidelines for creating effective print materials, and more advanced features of Word
• Excel/Spreadsheets – creating an effective spreadsheet, calculations, & formatting; including a spreadsheet in a word document, automatic formatting.
• Powerpoint – principles of creating clear and concise presentations. Explore the powerful features of PowerPoint and how to use them for guided formatting to enhance your message.

VUSC 0105: Healthy Relationships

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course will help you to understand how to build healthy and appropriate relationships, with friends and colleagues in various aspects of your life; friendships, dating, workplace, family, on and off campus.

VUSC 0107: Voice, Public Speaking, and Performance

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course will focus on becoming more comfortable speaking in front of others through a medium of singing and performance. We will focus on singing together in a group, enhancing breath support, diction, and presence as a means of becoming more confident speaking in public, presenting, and interviewing. Students will explore traditional singing technique, monologue delivery, as well as giving a presentation on a subject of the student’s choice.

VUSC 0108: Principles of Art and Drawing, Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course introduces the basic elements and principles of drawing, such as perspective, modeling light, shade, contour (mass and shape), proportion and composition. Self expression and an individual approach are encouraged.

VUSC 0109: Video Production

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
A survey of basic camera techniques and equipment, story boarding, steps to pre and post film production.

VUSC 0200: Self-Leadership

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Students will continue to uncover their personal strengths and areas of opportunity through leadership assessments* and learn how to adapt them to self-leadership.  Students will celebrate strengths and set goals around their areas of opportunity/weaknesses. 

A handful of leadership theories* will also be introduced.  Students will begin to understand different approaches to leadership and which style works best for their own self-leadership. Students will work both independently and a team in this class.Each session will include some lecture* followed by a group activity and independent homework. 

This is an exciting class because students will be learning more about one another.  Throughout the class, everyone will have an opportunity to share about themselves including strengths, weaknesses, goals, hopes and dreams. What are your strengths in leadership?  What are areas of leadership that you’d like to work on?  What goals do you have?  What self-leadership theories work best for you?  What did you learn about leaders on campus?  What do you want to do in the future?

VUSC 0201: Theology Part 2, Discerning the Good and Forming Conscience

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
By reflecting on the good that is done or named, this course will seek to identify where the grace and presence of God have been or are active in the world. That process of naming the good also applies to the formation of conscience which is always in process of learning to make choices between good and bad and between one good and another good that is better.

VUSC 0202: Foundations of Literacy & Writing Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course will continue to learn the underlying basis of written English to develop literacy abilities. Students will become aware of themselves as learners, readers, writers, and critical thinkers.

VUSC 0205: Emotional and Social Engagement

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course will center around developing those qualities where everyone feels their voices are heard. Since all of life is relational, the better our relations with each other, the better our lives. Emotions are a fundamental driver of behavior so students will develop those skills that help them engage better with their peers in social settings. Regulars channels of communication will be established and the value of each person will be of utmost priority in this course.

VUSC 0207: The Art of Listening

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course presents an exploration of music through a historical context.  We will study major periods in music history including the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern Eras, as well as a unit in American Jazz.  Through the study of music we will discuss parallel eras of western history, the history of peoples, the human condition, and political and socio-economic drivers of the arts.  

VUSC 0209: Principles of Art and Drawing, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price
This course will introduce the basic elements and principles of drawing, such as perspective, modeling light, shade, contour (mass and shape), proportion and composition. Self expression and an individual approach are encouraged.

VUSC 0210: Introduction to Theater, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This course will focus on becoming more comfortable speaking in front of others through a medium of singing and performance. We will focus on singing together in a group, enhancing breath support, diction, and presence as a means of becoming more confident speaking in public, presenting, and interviewing. Students will explore traditional singing technique, monologue delivery, as well as giving a presentation on a subject of the student’s choice.

VUSC 0300: Intro to Leadership

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Students will identify strengths and areas of opportunity in others and take turns leading projects and activities.  Students will also be introduced to various leaders on campus and in history.

VUSC 0302: Integrated Literacy and Writing, Part 1

Clock Hours per Week
Varies by Program Type
Military Price
Full Program Price

The second year will focus on integrating reading and writing within each student's career focus. Students will engage in research in their areas of interest.

VUSC 0303: American History

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Students will engage in a cursory overview of American History from 1700 through 2022. Major events in the United States and demographic and cultural changes will be discussed, analyzed, and explored through basic readings. Major historical markers included with be the First Settlers, the Revolution, Expansion, Civil War, World War I, the Depression, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and present day.

VUSC 0304: Principles of Art and Drawing, Part 3

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This course will introduce the basic elements and principles of drawing, such as perspective, modeling light, shade, contour (mass and shape), proportion and composition. Self expression and an individual approach are encouraged.

VUSC 0400: Advanced Leadership

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Students will learn advanced skills in leadership such as negotiations, conflict resolution, and advocacy.  Students will take turns leading projects and activities to gain a better understanding of their own style of leadership.

VUSC 0402: Integrated Literacy and Writing, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Integrated Reading and Writing II is a continuation of Part I. The course includes comprehensive review and writing practice in the fundamentals of English grammar, word choice, punctuation, and paragraph construction. Additionally, it is designed for students who need to improve their ability to understand and retain the materials they read in college. To this end, emphasis will be placed upon reading comprehension, language clues, structural clues, critical thinking, and strategic reading. 

VUSC 0403: Personal Finance, Part 2

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Students will build on planning their personal finances after college, independent of their families, and plan for financial and career success. 

VUSC 0404: Early Childhood Education

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

An introduction to assisting children from birth through elementary school by developing the knowledge and competence of education fields. Emphasis is placed on observation, curriculum planning, and facilitating interpersonal and communication abilities. 

VUSC 0405: Art of Listening, Part 2: The History of Jazz and Pop Music

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This course will provide students with a vocabulary that will help them describe the musical pieces that they hear. It will offer a broad understanding of historical eras 1450 through today and how these eras informed all genres of art and life. Students will work on listening skills, impulse control, and examine which types of music either calm or agitate their particular concentration and focus.

VUSC 0406: Nursing and First Aid

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

This course is designed to provide students with information about health, healthy behaviors, and strategies to use the health care system based on body systems.  During the course, students will be introduced to concepts related to body systems and how the body systems work together to maintain health and well-being and their role in health promotion.

VUSC 0407: Introduction to Sports Management

Clock Hours per Week
Military Price
Full Program Price

Introduction to Sports Management offers a broad understanding of the major areas of the sports industry for those interested in moving on to challenging and exciting careers in major and minor league sports, high school and college athletics, sport-related nonprofit organizations, field management, and recreation facilities.